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 Christy Clark and fixed election dates

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membre méga-génial
membre méga-génial

Nombre de messages : 154
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 02/02/2011

Christy Clark and fixed election dates Empty
MessageSujet: Christy Clark and fixed election dates   Christy Clark and fixed election dates EmptyJeu 25 Aoû 2011 - 11:52

I am prepared to make a bet. Not on the outcome of the referendum but on what happens as a result of the referendum.

The federal government and the BC government have fixed election dates. This was brought in because Prime Ministers and Premiers had too much control over when an election could take place. If the time was right an election could be called after three years; if not, the government could drag out their mandate for five years. So we now have fixed election dates every four years so there is some stability. Minority governments can still be defeated early (as we saw federally), but for the most part we will always know when an election will occur. Prime Ministers and Premiers lose some control which is a good thing.
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