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 How can my company start working as provider of translation

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membre méga-génial
membre méga-génial

Nombre de messages : 425
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2011

How can my company start working as provider of translation  Empty
MessageSujet: How can my company start working as provider of translation    How can my company start working as provider of translation  EmptyDim 4 Déc 2011 - 9:13

-how can my company start working as provider of translation and interpretation?
I have a registered company by the company house; my wife has a degree in languages from university of Algarve in Portugal. How can we start providing services for local authorities? How are payments made? How can we get certification stamp/notary stamp, de we need a solicitor?
english chinese translation|english french translation
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How can my company start working as provider of translation
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