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Le deal à ne pas rater :
DYSON V8 Origin – Aspirateur balai sans fil
269.99 € 379.99 €
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 What's the point of adding an additional driver (Statefarm-c

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membre méga-génial
membre méga-génial

Nombre de messages : 425
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2011

What's the point of adding an additional driver (Statefarm-c Empty
MessageSujet: What's the point of adding an additional driver (Statefarm-c   What's the point of adding an additional driver (Statefarm-c EmptyVen 30 Déc 2011 - 9:22

I just got my license and I want to drive my brother's car (insured by statefarm-california). I don't want to add insurance in my name until later. Can I drive his car? Yes right? THe lady told me I should add my name to the policy. WHY? The car is insured if I get into an accident so what's the point of adding my name to the policy ($$$) THanks.

Car Insurance

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What's the point of adding an additional driver (Statefarm-c
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