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 How many signs in sign language should a two year old know?

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membre méga-génial
membre méga-génial

Nombre de messages : 425
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2011

How many signs in sign language should a two year old know?  Empty
MessageSujet: How many signs in sign language should a two year old know?    How many signs in sign language should a two year old know?  EmptyDim 4 Déc 2011 - 9:15

How many signs in sign language should a two year old know?
My two year old daughter is partially deaf so we've been teaching her to sign using British sign language and Polish sign language - my wife is Polish and doesn't know British sign language only Polish sign language.
Isla knows about 50 signs in both languages and can sort of string a sentence together. She does speak a little, not a lot, her mouth moves when she signs but makes no noise.
english chinese translation|english french translation
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How many signs in sign language should a two year old know?
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